【現貨】Weekenders Coffee | Expresso Blend (黑巧克力/鳥結糖)
【現貨】Weekenders Coffee | Expresso Blend (黑巧克力/鳥結糖)

【現貨】Weekenders Coffee | Expresso Blend (黑巧克力/鳥結糖)

Regular price HK$138.00 Sale priceHK$58.00 Save HK$80.00
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[京都直送] 來自京都 WEEKENDERS COFFEE 隱世精品咖啡店 

Signature Expresso Blend  中深煎り


咖啡烘焙師: Weekenders Coffee (Japan)

風味描述: 黑巧克力Bittersweet Chocolate, 鳥結糖Nougat



A complex blend that allows you to enjoy the body of bittersweet chocolate, the gorgeous aroma, the sharp acidity, and the aftertaste. The moment the sugar on top of the thick crema that covers the surface of the espresso sinks, a gorgeous scent opens and the taste is like a truffle with a deep core. A brandy-like aftertaste that passes through the throat and nose after drinking. The sugar left in the cup has a caramel-like aroma. It is a blend that values ​​the instant taste of espresso. Of course, you can drink deliciously even drip.



由金子將浩先生所開設的「Weekenders Coffee (ウィークエンダーズコーヒー ロースタリー)」,是一家京都隱世咖啡店。金子先生總共有兩家店舖遙望幾個街區,此番帶來的是有烘焙工房的店舖,對於烘焙咖啡豆他有別於烘焙度的堅持,不單單只是淺焙或深焙那麼簡單,在消除焦苦味的同時,他希望咖啡豆的花果香也被提取出來,只留下一種乾淨、質地滑順的味道。這樣細緻的品味風格,也運用在店舖裝潢上,由百年町家改造,深入店內,經過咖啡吧台後,裡面是一個開闊的日式中庭,你可以在那邊品嚐咖啡,整體的氛圍被維持在一種莊重寧靜感受中。



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