【現貨,全線8折】Glitch 哥倫比亞 單品咖啡豆 Colombia Monteblanco Coconut Lemonade Natural (奶茶/白朱古力/雲呢拿)
【現貨,全線8折】Glitch 哥倫比亞 單品咖啡豆 Colombia Monteblanco Coconut Lemonade Natural (奶茶/白朱古力/雲呢拿)

【現貨,全線8折】Glitch 哥倫比亞 單品咖啡豆 Colombia Monteblanco Coconut Lemonade Natural (奶茶/白朱古力/雲呢拿)

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[東京直送] 來自東京Glitch Coffee & Roasters 亞洲前50 (第24名)日本咖啡品牌 手沖咖啡 精品咖啡

哥倫比亞Colombia Monteblanco Tropical Washed
咖啡烘焙師: Glitch Coffee & Roasters (Japan)
雲呢拿Vanilla, 奶茶Milk Tea, 白朱古力White Chocolate, 芒果Fresh Mango, 薄荷Mint, 順滑Smooth



產區: 哥倫比亞
處理法: Coconut Lemonade Natural
品種: Purple Caturra
海拔: 1730m
風味描述: 雲呢拿Vanilla, 奶茶Milk Tea, 白朱古力White Chocolate, 芒果Fresh Mango, 薄荷Mint, 順滑Smooth


Rodrigo Sanchez's Monteblanco Estate is a 14-hectare farm located 1,730 meters above sea level in Colombia Huila.
The farm is dedicated to producing high quality coffee and has received many awards.

This coffee was produced with Citrus Juice, Mint, Coconut, brown sugar derived from sugar cane, and other microorganisms that promote fermentation during fermentation in the production process.
This is one of the recipes that Rodrigo has arrived at after years of research and trial and error, and it is created to be reminiscent of Lemomade with Coconut.

You can taste the sweet flavors of Vanilla, Milk tea, and White Chocolate from the Process.




位於東京充滿歷史與詩意的神保町 ,有著最著名的神田古書街 ,超過兩百間書店匯集於此。在瀰漫著既有的書卷味中,多添了一股咖啡香氣。
身兼了咖啡師與烘豆師的鈴木清和先生, 在開展自己的事業版圖以前,鈴木先生已經在世界咖啡冠軍開設於東京的Paul Bassett磨練了底子近13年。從選定評鑑生豆的眼光、焙煎烘豆的方法,以及如何純熟沖煮出咖啡的滋味,將學習國外咖啡相關的知識內化,從中揉和出自我獨到的看法。在2015年以主理兼任咖啡師的身份,獨立開啟了Glitch Coffee & Roasters
Glitch Coffee & Roasters是日本第一家採取淺烘焙的店家 ,宗旨是 - “限りある時間のための、価値ある1杯を提供する”。中文意思是”希望在有限的時間內,提供一杯有價值的咖啡”。


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